Why College Students Struggle But Don’t Seek Help

Robert smith
3 min readMay 23, 2021


As many students in college struggle to attain the highest accolades in school, others are struggling to keep things together in their lives. Unfortunately, the world right now is a tough place filled with more negativity than positivity. Universities and colleges are trying their best to keep tabs on the students in need of assistance, both academic and otherwise, as well as working on helping them out. College students, however, are non-compliant as they refrain from seeking help from the colleges. Here are several reasons why they find it hard to show their vulnerability.

Students might not realize that they need help early enough

Occasionally, students underestimate the intensity of their problem until it is too late. It might be a case of mental health, financial lack, or just performance at school. They will often sit on it and ignore it as it continues to grow and become a greater disaster as time goes by. Then eventually, the problems become a norm since it has occurred so many times. These students need to develop metacognitive skills that will enable them to detect a problem early enough and seek help before things get worse.

They may see college administrators as unapproachable

Some college administrators and lecturers are unapproachable because they seem too harsh or too professional toward students; that’s why some college students find it physically impossible to approach them. The students are afraid of being rejected or treated harshly when they show their vulnerability and apparent inadequacies. So instead, they roll back into their cocoons and decide to get used to what they are going through.

To help such students, college administrators and counselors should try to be more approachable. This will lessen the barriers that inhibit students from freely opening up to them. In addition, this will help create an environment that’s safe and where learning will be fun and easy, and students will comfortably seek help from their faculty.

Students may not be aware that resources are available

Some students learn to deal with their problems by themselves because they are unaware of the resources that are in place to help them out. Most educational institutions from the best secondary schools in Adelaide to colleges have psychological counseling offices, peer tutors, and academic development tutors, etc. But despite their existence, some of these resources may not public knowledge making it hard for students to get the help needed. This can be remedied by repeatedly advertising the various student help resources offered and the departments that can assist students.

Some students characters inhibit them from asking for help

Some people are talkative, while others need a bit of coaxing to open up. The latter often have a hard time opening up, especially when they are going through a hard time, but even when a student is talkative, it doesn’t mean they are opening up. Numerous reasons could be behind this closed nature, such as being shy, embarrassed, fearful, or introverted. Working with such students requires a lot of patience and time. It might even require helping them change their personality and be a bit more open.

College life can be hard. There so much riding on succeeding here that the academic and social pressure can get to you. that said, there’s always someone available to help you through any situation you might be facing.

